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The Comfort Zone

A spoken word choral performance.

A spoken word choral performance co-created with staff and clients at the Martha Whiteway Day Hospital and Open Theatre Practice ensemble.

What gives comfort and what doesn’t? Distance, protest, sex, addictions, love, relationships, food, textures. Not the same for you as for me. With Michael, Don and Gina we’ve explored comforts and discomforts and sometimes these chats were comfortable and sometimes not.

But we agree. Safety, Care, Health, Laughs, Nature are within The Comfort Zone.

On May 21st Don, Gina and Michael were invited to their own performance, they could sit down, kick back in their comfy chairs and their audience performed Their Comfort Zone to them.

Outlandish Theatre has been working with staff and clients at the Martha Whiteway Day Hospital at Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing since 2019.

The Comfort Zone is supported by Creative Life at MISA, Arts Council and Dublin City Council.

10 Oct 2022

MISA, The Creative Life Centre

Lead artists Maud Hendricks and Bernie O’Reilly

Costume Venetia Bowe

Sound Oli Ryan

Artist staff liaison Dermot Reilly

Outreach Artist Fióna Bolger

Communications Katrina Goldstone

Performers Regina Allegrini, Don Flanagan, Michael Mc Crann, Fióna Bolger, Venetia Bowe, Larissa Brigatti, Ronán Conroy, Mark Dyer, Clara FitzGerald, Chris Fitzpatrick, Jeannette Golden, Olivia Hassett, JJ, Dermot Reilly, Rebecca Ryan, Oli Ryan

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