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Child Safeguarding Policy

Outlandish Theatre Platform CLG in accordance with our our legislative requirements have agreed this Child Safeguarding Statement which is binding on all facilitators working with our organisation.

Service provided

Outlandish Theatre Platform facilitates theatre making workshops, creating and producing inter- disciplinary projects, performances and events with local communities including developing theatre work with young people and children. These activities include:

  • Workshops in performance making
  • Rehearsals of performances
  • Public performances
  • Theatre exchanges/residential trips

These activities take place in a wide range of locations including health settings, community centres, schools and arts venues.

Outlandish Theatre Platform are committed to safeguarding the health and welfare of children and vulnerable people in all our actions and activities. We will adhere to Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017). Outlandish Theatre Platform has developed policies and procedures to ensure this commitment is adhered to in all aspects of our work.

Nature of service and principles to safeguard children from harm

Workshops are provided by staff whom are committed to the safeguarding of children and young people in our workshops as we seek to create a safe environment for young people to develop their performance skills.

  • As an organisation we recognise that the protection and welfare of children and young people is paramount and we adopt safe practices to minimise the possibility of harm or accidents happening to participants.
  • All OT Platform personnel engaged in a project involving children and young people are Garda vetted.
  • All child protection or welfare concerns will be reported to Tusla/Gardaí in a timely manner.
  • Only Garda vetted facilitators can help performers back stage or be near the dressing room area.
  • Participant youth performers taking part in inter-generational public performances have a separate dressing area and appointed garda vetted youth facilitator

Risk Assessment

We have completed an assessment of the potential for harm to children and young people when they are participating in our workshops and attending arts activities organised by Outlandish Theatre Platform.

  Risk identified Procedure in place to manage identified risk
1 Non-compliance with OT’s Child Protection Policy All facilitators and team are provided with the Child Protection Policy. Any breach of the Child Protection Policy will be reported to the directors. The Child Protection Policy is reviewed every 2 years.

Risk of a child or young person being harmed by OT Platform personnel

All facilitators and team are Garda Vetted prior to beginning relevant role when children and young people are involved in projects.

3 Risk of harm not being promptly reported by OT Platform personnel. All facilitators and team members are provided with procedures for the reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Tusla.
4 Child or young person makes a disclosure to a member of staff. All facilitators know the procedures to make a referral to the Mandated Person or directly to Tusla.
5 A suspicion of child abuse is determined by a member of staff.

All facilitators know the procedures to make a referral to the Mandated Person or directly to Tusla.

6 Risk of young person being harmed by another young person. Anti-bullying policy: Code of behaviour developed with project participants Group contracts made.


Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2017, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. In addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment, the following procedures support our intention and commitment to safeguard children while they are availing of our service:

  • Procedure for the safe recruitment of those working with children and young people.
  • Procedure for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct against facilitators of OT Platform, of a child or young person availing of our service;
  • Procedure for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct against facilitators/volunteers of a child availing of our service;
  • Procedure for provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm;
  • Procedure for the reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Tusla;
  • Procedure for maintaining a list of the persons (if any) in the relevant service who are mandated persons;
  • Procedure for appointing a relevant person.

All procedures listed are available upon request.


We recognise that implementation is an on-going process. Our service is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service.

This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed on 1st August 2025 or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.

For queries, please contact Bernie O’Reilly, Relevant Person under the Children First Act 2017.
Email: info@outlandishtheatre.com Mobile: 0871261582