This one off performance embraces both the individual perspective and the collective, celebrating the chaos of existence.
The performance was followed by an informal Q & A with co-creators and the audience.
As part of the performance weekend, a workshop seminar was held with guest speaker Laura Hopes, a visual artist whose practice focuses on the sublime and the anthropocene, Maud Hendricks and Bernie O’Reilly of Outlandish Theatre explore the concept of Theatre of Ruins and the low sublime within the context of their practice as the Theatre of the Everyday.
Performers and creative team: Fióna Bolger, Morgan Cooke, Manuela Crisóstomo, Joan Somers Donnelly, Mark Dyer, Maud Hendricks, Laura Hopes, Brona Laffan, Anna McCann, Bernie O’Reilly, Rebecca Ryan IBeatriz Santana, Harpreet Singh.
Sound artist: Craig Cox
Lighting designer: Dara Hoban
Producer: Carla Rogers
Funded by Communities Integration Fund, Department of Justice and Equality and Dublin City Council
Supported by The Coombe Hospital
Photos by Futoshi Sakauchi
Video by Tom McKenna