A contemporary opera written and devised by Outlandish Theatre about Dublin today.
Maud Hendricks and Bernie O’Reilly of Outlandish Theatre Platform spent 2 years working with the residents of St. Teresa’s Gardens (a Dublin 8 social housing estate) who were facing the demolition of their homes. They asked the question: “What happens when the village you grew up in disappears?”. This work led to a live performance and a film “Come into the Gardens”. This exclusive insight into the lives of a community on the verge of destruction compelled Maud and Bernie to write the songs that became EX-hib-IT-US 2015.
This ambitious project has a cast of 7 with professionals performing alongside residents of St Teresa’s Gardens. It is opera unlike you have ever seen or heard it before.
Director: Maud Hendricks
Writers: Maud Hendricks, Bernie O' Reilly, Morgan Cooke
Composer: Morgan Cooke
Performers: Maud Hendricks, Morgan Cooke, Bernie O'Reilly, Phelim Drew, Aine Fahy
Producer: Sally Hasson